Sunday, December 7, 2008

Move Me Closer

Merry Christmas West Michigan!

The Lawsons have come through a rough year. Many of you know that my husband was diagnosed with lung cancer. He then had lung surgery and chemo treatments and then many bouts in the hospital with pneumonia and lung infections and so on... Today, he is doing better!
All of his test came back good and no sign of cancer. We are so thankful and praise God. Thank you for all you prayers and special notes and thoughts. We love you all.

One of my favorite songs at Christmas is Move Me Closer by Evie. It's about watching the manger setting in her home and one of the shepherds suddenly comes to life and speaks, "Move me closer to the little child". I want to move closer to the Child of Christmas, Jesus Christ, the one whose birth we celebrate. I want to see Him, I want to hear Him, I want to touch Him, I want to be in His presence-worship Him.

I can not view my manger setting the same anymore without the echo of those words in my heart. On a quiet night with all the tinsel, lights and presents, I watch my manger setting and ponder on how the shepherds must have felt that blessed night and how it must have felt to be there in the presence of the "the new born King". Yes, move me closer to the child!