Monday, May 17, 2010

Make Hay While the SON shines!

Hello Wesleyan Women!

Many wonderful things are going on in West MI this spring and summer that I want to tell you about! But, first let me tell you that the North Central Area Spring Retreat in Shipshewana was absolutely a blessing, fun and refreshing! Susie Shellengberger kept us laughing, but more than that she presented messages that were entrenched with teaching of Holiness living and challenged us in making commitments of fully surrendering ourselves to God. Worship music was provided by some of our own districts, the atmosphere was awesome and beautiful. Of course Shipshewana has great opportunities for the shoppers and browsers. Thank you to all those that had a part in making it a successful weekend. West Michigan was one of the districts that had the most attendance (we had 19). I enjoyed spending time with all of you. I especially had a sweet time having my daughter, Tammy, with me. Three special women did receive a $50 bill to spend as she wished. We look forward to another NCA time in 2012!


I had the honor of attending and speaking at the Jackson Cascades Wesleyan Women's retreat in April! Let me tell you I have never seen such a bunch of crazy fun-loving women!! I am serious! Thank you ladies for a great day of "Spring Cleaning".


Coming up in May is the Beth Moore Conference at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, on May 21-7:00pm to 9:30pm and May 22-8:30am to 12:00. Many of our district Wesleyan Women are registered! I think there is still time to get registered on line. Hope to see many of you there!! Hotels are filling up fast, though.


Annual WW Convention/Mini-Retreat
June 26, 2010 is the day for West MI Wesleyan Women Annual Convention/Mini-Retreat. The theme is "Make Hay While the SON Shines", a down on the farm experience, including a Pig Roast for lunch. Our offerings will go to Haiti for their relief. We want the churches to start now collecting funds in your own special made "piggy" bank, to purchase vegetable seeds. Bring your "piggy" to the retreat!

Our Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Steve Edmonson, sharing his trips to Haiti. Also, sharing her trips to Haiti, will be Kathy Cox.

The retreat will be held at West Berlin Wesleyan Church, in Lake Odessa, sign in at 9:00, meeting 9:30-3:00. Register before June 21 for $15 after June 20, call for registration and pay $18 at the door. Call Joyce @ 269.673.6790, mail checks made out to West MI District (WW in memo), to 1938 Homestead Drive, Allegan, MI 49010.

I am looking for groups to prepare a "Joy" Basket for display at our retreat. Put together a basket with a purpose and theme for a ministry to women in your church or community. Share these ideas with us at the retreat. Call Saundra at 517.331.1415.

Come prepared to register your church with the General (World) and District Wesleyan Women and get in the drawing for "Love Books" for your group.

West MI Wesleyan Church District-

The West MI district Conference is, Fri. July 30 at Battle Creek First Wesleyan Church.

Watch for God's Blessings,
Night is coming when no one works. John 9:4b