Wooo Hooo! What a great convention/retreat we had on June 27th! We were blessed and challenged to make a difference! Human Trafficking is happening all over the the world, even in our own "backyard". Thank you to Sandie Morgan for her love and passion in serving the Lord and sharing her heart and messages with us that day. Also, many thanks to all those that helped make the day a wonderful success; the music/media, kitchen crew, decorating, promotions, guests, pastors, speakers, set-up and clean-up crews and I know many more... THANK YOU- Lansing Faith Church!
This was a day of worship and sharing-coming together to be a part of the "bigger picture"-Hand in Hand -Making a Difference! We can do so much more together than apart. Wesleyan Women are women "Connecting to God and Each Other" through our Women's Ministries, Churches, Communities, Families and Friends...Globally! We are out to make a difference in this world for God.
Combat Human Trafficking Together
I want to encourage each of our district churches to be more aware of the problem of human trafficking in your Community, Michigan, America, and World Wide. The West MI WW want to help be a solution and support ministries and projects that are moving forward in combating this evil.
You may contact Project Liberty at http://www.4projectliberty.webs.com/
You may contact Women at Risk at http://www.warinternational.org
We welcome to our 2009-10 Executive Committee- Director: Saundra Lawson; Assist. Dir.: Sandra Smith-Kennell; Secretary: Ann Roth; Treasurer: Joyce Merrill; Outreach Coordinator: Doris Wonser; WKFM Coordinator: Virginia Gastin. Our North Central Area Representative, Cheryl Mansell, administered the installation with a prayer of blessing.
New Resource Materials
We are excited about our new Resource Materials for suggested teachings, meetings, events...They are wonderful. Those churches that have registered your church for a chapter, you will receive your packet as soon as the materials are complete. Thank you for being a part of this World Wide Dynamic Ministry. If your church has not registered, YET, you may do so by going on line to www.wesleyan.org/women and http://www.westmichigandistrict.com/ (click on Wesleyan Women).
Hands of Hope
Join us at Hands of Hope Training. Learn more about human trafficking and how we as Christians and the Church can understand more about the victims and fight against the crimes,-stopping the demand! There is a forum on Wed. evening, Sept. 9 at Heartland Church, then the training Sept. 10-12, 2009 at Wesleyan Headquarter, Fisher, Indiana. You may register on line for the training at www.wesleyan.org/women We are making travel arrangements. Let Saundra know you are registered and need a ride or will offer a ride, also, if you would like to share a hotel room.
Spring Retreat!
Start planning, NOW, for the spring retreat in Shipshawana, IN, April 9-11, 2010! This will be a FUN weekend. Wearing comfy shoes is required! More info to come!
Please send your comments to this blog. Let all start communicating here. We are not able to do that on our district website. This will be fun!