Monday, February 9, 2009


- Hello Ministry Leaders!

During the month of February I'm reminded daily of the "Great Love of GOD"!

I'm hearing wonderful things from you and your churches. This past Sunday, Feb. 8, I was a guest speaker for their "Missions" weekend, at Cascade Wesleyan Church, Jackson, MI. It was a wonderful event and I was blessed to be a part of it! Thank you again, Ladies of Faith, for inviting me.

Also, on January 27, I spoke at the women's Tues. morning Bible Study at Lansing Faith Church, about the horrific evil of human trafficking and awareness. We had a wonderful meeting! Thank you ladies for all your love and listening to my heart.

Have you checked out the list of links in the left margin? They will lead to some great stuff!

Don't forget about the Heart of Ministries offering!! If you are not sure what it is all about please go to and then click on the Heart of Ministries. Hopefully you have received the bulletin inserts and offering envelopes for your convenience. Some of you are doing FUNdraising for the offerings. Contact me and let me know how you are raising funds for this project. This is a very important offering and encourage you to promote it at your church or in your group. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out.

Please email me your email address so I can add you to our Sisterhood Newletter!

2009 WW Convention/Mini-Retreat
Sandie Morgan of Lydia Today, our speaker at last summer’s convention/mini-retreat, will again be with us this summer, June 27, 2009 for another great convention/mini-retreat, held at Lansing Faith Church. More information will follow soon.

Heart of Ministries
By now your church has received the Heart Ministries information. Prayerfully consider this offering that is usually collected yearly in February, but there is no time limit. Be creative in having a FUNdraiser! The offering this year will go towards the training classes on special understanding and ministering to the victims/survivors of Human Trafficking through World Hope Int. and “Hands That Heal”. Also, money will go towards how to protect our children in a dark world especially internet and media. Offerings will also be given to our Wesleyan Hospital in Haiti which is in desperate need. Send your offerings to our West Michigan District; write on the check memo Heart of Ministries.

Training At WW Headquarters:
With the Lord’s help, we are making plans to hold an anti-trafficking training, September 10-12, 2009

North Central Area Retreat
Plans are being made for a North Central Area wide weekend retreat to be held in Shipshewana, April 9-11, 2010. Start making your plans now.

Hephzibah Trip
I regret to inform you that the district spring trip to Hephzibah will need to be postponed. Our team has gone through a lot of serious family illnesses and due to the current economy we feel that the timing is difficult for us and many of you. We will continue to pray for the right time and keep in touch with plans.

West Michigan Wesleyan Women are women who make difference! Please share with our team and other churches what God is doing in your group! As always, contact me for anything at or leave a comment on this blog site.