Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It always seems too early to start saying that, because it seems that Christmas has come faster than the year before! My Mom always said the older we get the faster time goes! Wow, was she ever right! For the first time ever, I put up our tree before Thanksgiving, so we could enjoy our Thanksgiving weekend and not have to worry with all the mess I usually make when decorating the weekend after. I must admit at first it felt a little strange, but then we loved it. I wanted to focus on the "reason for the season" and I'm trying not to get all bogged down with things to do. You know what I mean! I know you do.
When our children (we have 4) were all at home we used to sing as a family and traveled to churches and community events. We especially would do this at Christmas time. We had a favorite song we would sing and it was popular at that time by "Evvie" called, Come On Ring Those Bells, and it is still played today. Our littlest was 4 yrs old and would ring the jingle bells during the song and would sing her heart out with the rest of us. People just loved it and we enjoyed that time very much. The phrase, "it's the greatest celebration of them all", has always stayed with me. It is the greatest celebration of them all-it is the reason for the season!
Take time to reflect on the reason God sent His One and Only Son to Earth veiled in flesh to walk among us, showing the Love of God and one day free us from sin! The reason for the season!
Come on Ring Those Bells! Merry Christmas and Love to All!
$75 plus your hotel. Please click on link for printing brochure and registration
www.indiananorth.com scroll down Wesleyan Women
Our West MI district is giving a refund of a $50 bill to 3 women attending through three drawings on Friday night dessert time and special recognition to the church that has the most attending. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!
We will be making arrangements for sharing travel or hotels soon. Please comment here if you would like to be included.
It always seems too early to start saying that, because it seems that Christmas has come faster than the year before! My Mom always said the older we get the faster time goes! Wow, was she ever right! For the first time ever, I put up our tree before Thanksgiving, so we could enjoy our Thanksgiving weekend and not have to worry with all the mess I usually make when decorating the weekend after. I must admit at first it felt a little strange, but then we loved it. I wanted to focus on the "reason for the season" and I'm trying not to get all bogged down with things to do. You know what I mean! I know you do.
When our children (we have 4) were all at home we used to sing as a family and traveled to churches and community events. We especially would do this at Christmas time. We had a favorite song we would sing and it was popular at that time by "Evvie" called, Come On Ring Those Bells, and it is still played today. Our littlest was 4 yrs old and would ring the jingle bells during the song and would sing her heart out with the rest of us. People just loved it and we enjoyed that time very much. The phrase, "it's the greatest celebration of them all", has always stayed with me. It is the greatest celebration of them all-it is the reason for the season!
Take time to reflect on the reason God sent His One and Only Son to Earth veiled in flesh to walk among us, showing the Love of God and one day free us from sin! The reason for the season!
Come on Ring Those Bells! Merry Christmas and Love to All!
$75 plus your hotel. Please click on link for printing brochure and registration
www.indiananorth.com scroll down Wesleyan Women
Our West MI district is giving a refund of a $50 bill to 3 women attending through three drawings on Friday night dessert time and special recognition to the church that has the most attending. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!
We will be making arrangements for sharing travel or hotels soon. Please comment here if you would like to be included.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Two are better than one... Ecclesiastes 4:9
Wooo Hooo! What a great convention/retreat we had on June 27th! We were blessed and challenged to make a difference! Human Trafficking is happening all over the the world, even in our own "backyard". Thank you to Sandie Morgan for her love and passion in serving the Lord and sharing her heart and messages with us that day. Also, many thanks to all those that helped make the day a wonderful success; the music/media, kitchen crew, decorating, promotions, guests, pastors, speakers, set-up and clean-up crews and I know many more... THANK YOU- Lansing Faith Church!
This was a day of worship and sharing-coming together to be a part of the "bigger picture"-Hand in Hand -Making a Difference! We can do so much more together than apart. Wesleyan Women are women "Connecting to God and Each Other" through our Women's Ministries, Churches, Communities, Families and Friends...Globally! We are out to make a difference in this world for God.
Combat Human Trafficking Together
I want to encourage each of our district churches to be more aware of the problem of human trafficking in your Community, Michigan, America, and World Wide. The West MI WW want to help be a solution and support ministries and projects that are moving forward in combating this evil.
You may contact Project Liberty at http://www.4projectliberty.webs.com/
You may contact Women at Risk at http://www.warinternational.org
We welcome to our 2009-10 Executive Committee- Director: Saundra Lawson; Assist. Dir.: Sandra Smith-Kennell; Secretary: Ann Roth; Treasurer: Joyce Merrill; Outreach Coordinator: Doris Wonser; WKFM Coordinator: Virginia Gastin. Our North Central Area Representative, Cheryl Mansell, administered the installation with a prayer of blessing.
New Resource Materials
We are excited about our new Resource Materials for suggested teachings, meetings, events...They are wonderful. Those churches that have registered your church for a chapter, you will receive your packet as soon as the materials are complete. Thank you for being a part of this World Wide Dynamic Ministry. If your church has not registered, YET, you may do so by going on line to www.wesleyan.org/women and http://www.westmichigandistrict.com/ (click on Wesleyan Women).
Hands of Hope
Join us at Hands of Hope Training. Learn more about human trafficking and how we as Christians and the Church can understand more about the victims and fight against the crimes,-stopping the demand! There is a forum on Wed. evening, Sept. 9 at Heartland Church, then the training Sept. 10-12, 2009 at Wesleyan Headquarter, Fisher, Indiana. You may register on line for the training at www.wesleyan.org/women We are making travel arrangements. Let Saundra know you are registered and need a ride or will offer a ride, also, if you would like to share a hotel room.
Spring Retreat!
Start planning, NOW, for the spring retreat in Shipshawana, IN, April 9-11, 2010! This will be a FUN weekend. Wearing comfy shoes is required! More info to come!
Please send your comments to this blog. Let all start communicating here. We are not able to do that on our district website. This will be fun!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Women and Pastors!
Women you are all invited for a day of Worship, Fellowship, Inspiration and Fun!
Pastors are invited to a “Pastors Only” presentation with Sandie @ 9:30-10:30! Join us for the morning & lunch-no cost!
With great pleasure we welcome Sandie Morgan back with us as a dynamic guest speaker for our Convention/Mini Retreat, June 27, 2009, @ Faith Church, Lansing, MI 48912
“Hand In Hand-Making A Difference”
“Hand In Hand-Making A Difference”
Sandie Morgan is Administrator of the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force where she is working to build a team that will educate and enlist our local community against the modern slave trade. Sandie is a Registered Nurse and has served on the board of the International Nurses Association in Athens, Greece where she lived for ten years. It was there that she discovered human trafficking while doing a story for Lydia Living magazine. She recently served as Coordinator for Vanguard University’s Center for Women’s Studies and continues to serve as Director of the Lydia Today Foundation. (lydiatoday.com)
Sandie also served as a Human Trafficking Dialogue Facilitator at the National Association of Evangelicals Global Leaders Forum in Washington D.C. and was invited to the first Whitehouse Roundtable on Human Trafficking. Recently, she hosted the Senior Director for Global Projects from the US State Department for the first Economic Roundtable on Human Trafficking. As an advocate for victims of human trafficking, Sandie guest lectures in universities, community groups, and churches. Since accepting the leadership of the OC Human Trafficking Task Force, Sandie has been interviewed by the LA Times http://articles.latimes.com/2008/01/10/metro/me-parsons10 and the OC METRO Business Magazine http://www.ocmetro.com/NEW_SITE/metro031308/women.php.
The first 100 women attending will get a free copy of the following magazine issue!
Sandie was interviewed for the featured article “Not In My Town” in Nov./Dec. 08 of Today’s Christian Woman.
We also welcome back the Faith Church Praise and Worship Team and Special Guest. You will enjoy the display tables of books and gifts from Winding Creek Bookstore, Hephzibah, Lydia Today, WKFM, Project Liberty (anti human trafficking), Women at Risk Store (Items made by survivors of human trafficking), Lynn Mc Monigal-a new author from Cascades Wesleyan, Other District Wesleyan Women’s Ministries and more. This will be a great day of worship, spiritual encouragement, being with friends and sharing with others-
Hand In Hand-Making a Difference. “Two are better than one” Ecclesiastes 4:9.
Register your church’s women’s ministry at the Convention/Mini Retreat for the new year, 2009-2010, to be a WW chapter with Wesleyan Women-$75 and for West MI District-$25 and get into the drawing to receive your $75 WW chapter membership free! All registered chapters receive a certificate at the end of the year.
Come and Enjoy the Day! Only $15 Per Person!
9 am Sign-In (Coffee/Juice/Muffins
9:30 to 3:15 Includes a Buffet Lunch @ 12:15
Register by June 15, 2009/Any Questions Call 517-331-1415
Or email to register your group at sl4faith@gmail.com
9 am Sign-In (Coffee/Juice/Muffins
9:30 to 3:15 Includes a Buffet Lunch @ 12:15
Register by June 15, 2009/Any Questions Call 517-331-1415
Or email to register your group at sl4faith@gmail.com
Anti Human Trafficking Training At Wesleyan Headquarters September 10-12.
Hands of Hope- Training to understand and care for victims of the Horrors of Human Trafficking
We have a group going and if you would like to make travel arrangements please email me at, sl4faith@gmail.com also you may get more information and register on line at www.wesleyan.org/women
Monday, February 9, 2009
- Hello Ministry Leaders!
During the month of February I'm reminded daily of the "Great Love of GOD"!
I'm hearing wonderful things from you and your churches. This past Sunday, Feb. 8, I was a guest speaker for their "Missions" weekend, at Cascade Wesleyan Church, Jackson, MI. It was a wonderful event and I was blessed to be a part of it! Thank you again, Ladies of Faith, for inviting me.
Also, on January 27, I spoke at the women's Tues. morning Bible Study at Lansing Faith Church, about the horrific evil of human trafficking and awareness. We had a wonderful meeting! Thank you ladies for all your love and listening to my heart.
Have you checked out the list of links in the left margin? They will lead to some great stuff!
Don't forget about the Heart of Ministries offering!! If you are not sure what it is all about please go to www.wesleyan.org/women and then click on the Heart of Ministries. Hopefully you have received the bulletin inserts and offering envelopes for your convenience. Some of you are doing FUNdraising for the offerings. Contact me and let me know how you are raising funds for this project. This is a very important offering and encourage you to promote it at your church or in your group. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out.
Please email me your email address so I can add you to our Sisterhood Newletter!
2009 WW Convention/Mini-Retreat
Sandie Morgan of Lydia Today, our speaker at last summer’s convention/mini-retreat, will again be with us this summer, June 27, 2009 for another great convention/mini-retreat, held at Lansing Faith Church. More information will follow soon.
Heart of Ministries
By now your church has received the Heart Ministries information. Prayerfully consider this offering that is usually collected yearly in February, but there is no time limit. Be creative in having a FUNdraiser! The offering this year will go towards the training classes on special understanding and ministering to the victims/survivors of Human Trafficking through World Hope Int. and “Hands That Heal”. Also, money will go towards how to protect our children in a dark world especially internet and media. Offerings will also be given to our Wesleyan Hospital in Haiti which is in desperate need. Send your offerings to our West Michigan District; write on the check memo Heart of Ministries.
Training At WW Headquarters:
With the Lord’s help, we are making plans to hold an anti-trafficking training, September 10-12, 2009
North Central Area Retreat
Plans are being made for a North Central Area wide weekend retreat to be held in Shipshewana, April 9-11, 2010. Start making your plans now.
Hephzibah Trip
I regret to inform you that the district spring trip to Hephzibah will need to be postponed. Our team has gone through a lot of serious family illnesses and due to the current economy we feel that the timing is difficult for us and many of you. We will continue to pray for the right time and keep in touch with plans.
West Michigan Wesleyan Women are women who make difference! Please share with our team and other churches what God is doing in your group! As always, contact me for anything at Saundra@willowcommunity.org or leave a comment on this blog site.
During the month of February I'm reminded daily of the "Great Love of GOD"!
I'm hearing wonderful things from you and your churches. This past Sunday, Feb. 8, I was a guest speaker for their "Missions" weekend, at Cascade Wesleyan Church, Jackson, MI. It was a wonderful event and I was blessed to be a part of it! Thank you again, Ladies of Faith, for inviting me.
Also, on January 27, I spoke at the women's Tues. morning Bible Study at Lansing Faith Church, about the horrific evil of human trafficking and awareness. We had a wonderful meeting! Thank you ladies for all your love and listening to my heart.
Have you checked out the list of links in the left margin? They will lead to some great stuff!
Don't forget about the Heart of Ministries offering!! If you are not sure what it is all about please go to www.wesleyan.org/women and then click on the Heart of Ministries. Hopefully you have received the bulletin inserts and offering envelopes for your convenience. Some of you are doing FUNdraising for the offerings. Contact me and let me know how you are raising funds for this project. This is a very important offering and encourage you to promote it at your church or in your group. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out.
Please email me your email address so I can add you to our Sisterhood Newletter!
2009 WW Convention/Mini-Retreat
Sandie Morgan of Lydia Today, our speaker at last summer’s convention/mini-retreat, will again be with us this summer, June 27, 2009 for another great convention/mini-retreat, held at Lansing Faith Church. More information will follow soon.
Heart of Ministries
By now your church has received the Heart Ministries information. Prayerfully consider this offering that is usually collected yearly in February, but there is no time limit. Be creative in having a FUNdraiser! The offering this year will go towards the training classes on special understanding and ministering to the victims/survivors of Human Trafficking through World Hope Int. and “Hands That Heal”. Also, money will go towards how to protect our children in a dark world especially internet and media. Offerings will also be given to our Wesleyan Hospital in Haiti which is in desperate need. Send your offerings to our West Michigan District; write on the check memo Heart of Ministries.
Training At WW Headquarters:
With the Lord’s help, we are making plans to hold an anti-trafficking training, September 10-12, 2009
North Central Area Retreat
Plans are being made for a North Central Area wide weekend retreat to be held in Shipshewana, April 9-11, 2010. Start making your plans now.
Hephzibah Trip
I regret to inform you that the district spring trip to Hephzibah will need to be postponed. Our team has gone through a lot of serious family illnesses and due to the current economy we feel that the timing is difficult for us and many of you. We will continue to pray for the right time and keep in touch with plans.
West Michigan Wesleyan Women are women who make difference! Please share with our team and other churches what God is doing in your group! As always, contact me for anything at Saundra@willowcommunity.org or leave a comment on this blog site.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year
I'm always amazed at the thought of having a brand new year! Here we are at 2009. I was remembering midnight 2000 and how we were all wondering if all the computers were going to blow up and cause a chain reaction and our very survival was at stake. We were told to be prepared for the worst. I didn't want to get caught up in all the hype but I must admit, I did. I had a survival kit for my husband and me, had extra water and food, and made specific plans with our adult children, all for just in case!
What does 2009 have in store for each of us? I have heard many comments lately (and even made some comments of my own) about what's this world coming to. I'll have to admit, at times, I get so overwhelmed with the things going on; all the economy failures and "bailouts", financial disasters and chain reactions from Wall St. to our own backyards. The unstable job and housing markets, the run away medical expenses and college funds, and the insecure social security. But you certainly don't need me to remind you of all that we have going on in this world and how we are ushering in the new year. We are facing many new challenges in all areas of our lives. I am so grateful that we do not have to face them alone-God is with us.
I pray that my faith in God will be strong and that I will seek to be correctly informed in all areas of my life through His Word and Holy Spirit and will strive to make wise godly decisions, and live my life graciously and responsibly with what God has given me, trusting Him completely. I face 2009 with great anticipation! My husband, Bill, and I faced quite a lot in 2008 and God proved himself faithful so bring on 2009. I love serving Him through Wesleyan Women and women's ministries and look forward to the challenges put before me. I believe we can make a difference! I pray we unite ourselves together as women of God and make ourselves available for the Master's use. My love to all of you and, yes, Happy New Year!
Connecting Women to God and Others,
What does 2009 have in store for each of us? I have heard many comments lately (and even made some comments of my own) about what's this world coming to. I'll have to admit, at times, I get so overwhelmed with the things going on; all the economy failures and "bailouts", financial disasters and chain reactions from Wall St. to our own backyards. The unstable job and housing markets, the run away medical expenses and college funds, and the insecure social security. But you certainly don't need me to remind you of all that we have going on in this world and how we are ushering in the new year. We are facing many new challenges in all areas of our lives. I am so grateful that we do not have to face them alone-God is with us.
I pray that my faith in God will be strong and that I will seek to be correctly informed in all areas of my life through His Word and Holy Spirit and will strive to make wise godly decisions, and live my life graciously and responsibly with what God has given me, trusting Him completely. I face 2009 with great anticipation! My husband, Bill, and I faced quite a lot in 2008 and God proved himself faithful so bring on 2009. I love serving Him through Wesleyan Women and women's ministries and look forward to the challenges put before me. I believe we can make a difference! I pray we unite ourselves together as women of God and make ourselves available for the Master's use. My love to all of you and, yes, Happy New Year!
Connecting Women to God and Others,
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